Fractious Politics
Struggling with external factors did not quite distract the Willworkers of Thirteen Faiths from the issue of the foreign Tribunal in their own house. While the Council sought to shoulder responsibility for actions or consequences therefrom, others of the chantry sought to dig deeper into events of the previous years - as well as Tradition law - to mitigate or dispel charges against Sophie outright. Hayley Flores, incarnate of Themis and prodigy of the Euthanatoi, proved particularly valuable to such delving.
But without ready access to files from the Sentinels' office or tomes from the communal library - or the security of having a place where one could focus on such matters - it was difficult to get far.

Thomas Stacey stepped forth, as a peer of Herald Phitz - being a herald himself - and issued a certamen challenge. If he won, he sought the return of control of the building to the members of Thirteen Faiths, as well as the release of Sophie into his care and supervision until the formal trial. Herald Phitz agreed - and determined that if
he emerged victorious, Thomas would act as prosecutor for the trial, as voice of the Tribunal, and would cede his role and title as a herald.
The certamen was a flashy but brief affair, and Thomas was victorious. With the building and its resources returned, and Sophie in friendly custody and able to be spoken with at length, the members of Thirteen Faiths redoubled their efforts.
Soon after her release, Sophie met with the chantry as a whole and declared two things: the Council of representatives selected by each cabal would be the formal governing party of the chantry henceforth; and the singular role of deacon was to be abolished. Never again would the chantry's internal and external faces differ or rely upon one person.
Finally, in the beginning of Summer 2018, the Tribunal concluded their investigations and convened the formal trial of former Deacon Sophie Addams, to weight the charges of crimes against the Traditions against her. It was a lengthy proceeding, with some charges dismissed and others upheld. Members of the Council stood in protest when they disagreed with a conclusion; but ultimately, the Tribunal saw fit to Brand Sophie and to Censure her: she could hold no position of authority in her cabal, chantry, or Tradition. Thomas' estranged wife, Annalise, was assigned to oversee Sophie's Censure, deigned to remain in Providence when the rest of the Tribunal would depart.
However, not all went smoothly.
During the Branding, Josette made to depart, unwell. The chantry shook - an incredibly localized mini-quake - and the Dreamspeaker collapsed. Immediate regrouping and investigations revealed the chantry's node to have had a volatile power fluctuation - as the unstable node was known to have - but
something during the fluctuation overwhelmed or shorted out the City Wonder upstairs. . .