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Staff Responsibilities

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:35 pm
by DivineST


DivineST - I am the staff member responsible for the majority of things in this game; if you want to roll dice for spells and such, poke me! If you need a subforum, private forum, or permissions changed to allow access to a specific place, let me know. I take care of posting and updating sheets, experience, and the sort, and I manage the technical side of things, as well. I will primarily be in charge of plots, as well.

NPC Accounts: I run the following NPCs (who have their own accounts), but please PM me and not the NPC account in question if you need/want a specific NPC:

PrimalST - Primal has a minor role developing plots and NPCs of their own. Questions concerning NPCs depicted by them or plots started by them should be directed toward them.

NPC Accounts: PrimalST runs the following NPCs (who have their own accounts), but please PM them and not the NPC account in question if you need/want a specific NPC: When in doubt, PM DivineST and I'll make sure the appropriate staff member gets your question or note.