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Update and In-Progress 29 July 2018

Post by DivineST » Sun Jul 29, 2018 12:44 pm

Here's a listing of the Character Creation and Rules forums, which are currently being reviewed and updated to reflect the current state of things or changes that have been made due to time, alternatives for smoother running, and other such things, for the sake of better transparency.

There will be more things added that have been run or addressed as they arose previously but never publicly addressed for general reference, again for better transparency and for the sake of reference should questions arise.

Character Creation Rules and Systems
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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Re: Update and In-Progress 29 July 2018

Post by DivineST » Tue Jul 31, 2018 11:58 pm

DivineST wrote:Character Creation
I have been reviewing Merits and Flaws: to check for redundancy; to condense entries with the same mechanics or choose a preferred mechanic / fluff combination; to add entries from other editions [like M20]; to add entries from other gamelines with fluff and / or mechanics tweaked to suit the flavor of Ascension; and to reformat in a way I find easier to access.

I have been doing all of this reviewing in my Staff section - the current, linked thread visible to you is what has always been there.

However, I am almost finished with this reviewing and reformatting process, and I wanted to give all of you a heads up: some Merits and Flaws may have been changed - their name might have changed to fall under a collective headline; variable Merits and Flaws may have shifted their scales; some Merits and Flaws might have shifted point values.

I will be reviewing character sheets to make note of who has what Merits and Flaws, and whether any of these have changed in my review. If you have any that have, I will be contacting you to discuss it, either to alert you to a name-change, point you to a clearer description of the function of the Merit or Flaw, or discuss with you the potential for shifting a Merit or Flaw into something that might better fit what has been played or displayed [ such as in cases where a played Derangement might better-suit M20's PTSD description ].

None of this should change how your character is played! Most of it is a courtesy notice in case you go looking for a mechanic to refresh yourself on its use or function; a lot of it is just cosmetic. The point-value of a Merit or Flaw is, after character creation, largely irrelevant here, since we do not use experience points, so if something shifts value it will not affect how your sheet is currently built.

This is a heads up, in case you want to head things off and drop me a line to talk about some of your Merits and Flaws, or alternate versions of your Merits and Flaws you have seen and want to ask after, etc.

As always, if you would like to remove a Flaw or gain a Merit, make it a Character Growth Goal and bump it to me so we can work out the details of that undertaking!
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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Re: Update and In-Progress 29 July 2018

Post by DivineST » Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:58 pm

The above list has been updated. Red notes indicate things that have been updated recently. The green note is just a reminder to you guys!
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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