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[Note] Season Five Finale Approaching!

Post by DivineST » Sat Mar 06, 2021 3:33 pm

Good afternoon, all!

This is a notification that we are nearing the finale of Season Five and are laying the groundwork for the 'metaplot' of the upcoming Season Six.

As a result, I have a few requests and notes:
  • ► Request One: Please be sure your character profile and signature are up-to-date. If you need help or would like me to summarize your character's Season Five so far, please ask!

    ► Request Two: Please double-check your downtimes. While this mostly applies to Growth Goals [ to ensure they reflect the current trajectory for the character ], it is also good to review your general / sustained downtimes, and to note which downtimes are still ongoing or have concluded.


    ► Note One: Plot introduction has slowed. This is to keep me from oversaturating the game's storyline and to ensure a cleaner transition from Season Five into Season Six. New side- and subplots will be introduced once the transition of Seasons has been done - so if you have general downtimes for fishing, that is when those will be properly updated.

    ► Note Two: Just a reminder that wholly personal plots are usually unaffected by Season changes - so there is no need to rush on those. Wholly personal plots progress and conclude at your character's pace, independent from the pacing of the Season's 'metaplot' or other side- or subplots.

Wait, Season Finale?

For those of you who have not experienced a Season finale yet, here is a primer on what happens:
  1. All characters are divided into groups - determined by what aspect of the finale they are involved in, or as an intentional setup in a reasonable scenario. This is so every character has at least a mention in the finale, and to set their Season anchor for the beginning of the next Season.
  2. Each group is given a summary of their finale scenario - what they know of what they are doing or of what they are involved in at that moment.
  3. Each group then conveys their goal for that scenario. This does not have to be a step-by-step, but should at least encompass what they hope to accomplish in the scenario of which they are a part. Individual characters may provide a separate, individual goal or list of priorities, too!
  4. Then I write a gamewide narration based off of the above, for all of the given scenarios. This narration takes into account stated group / character priorities and goals; capabilities of those involved; and some rolls. This narration concludes the ending Season's metaplot, and sets up the following Season's metaplot.
  5. Characters are then able to start threads for the immediate fallout of the narration.
If any of this is confusing, please let me know and I can clarify, using past Seasons as examples.

There are a few notable scenes I am watching for conclusion, so there is still time before we reach the first stage of the finale setup. However, I wanted to give a heads up that it is approaching so that questions can receive answers and so that people can determine what things they have ongoing that they might want to resolve before Season Five concludes, or what they do or do not want to carry with them into the new Season so that these things can be addressed and discussed before the finale.

As ever, if you have any questions at all, please either PM me or post a question in your Out of Character subforum and tag me with [user]DivineST[/user] so we can talk it out.

"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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Re: [Note] Season Five Finale Approaching!

Post by DivineST » Sun Mar 14, 2021 1:50 am

I am hoping to be able to get scenarios arranged and the ball rolling on the Season Five finale narrations by the end of March. There is really one scene that I am watching now for anything that would change the setups and arrangements, and once that scene is finished - no rush, seriously - I will start laying out finale scenarios.

What this means is that Season Five ends with March 2021. Season Six, then, would start with the general timeframe of 'Spring 2021', with a concrete anchor being set on the April date I post narrations [ or on 1 April, if everything goes quickly and we end up with narrations posted before then ].

This gives a little over two weeks, at least, for everyone to review their Season Five stuff and start setting up or discussing potential Season Six interests; and a general timeframe in which to hash out Season Five finale details when scenarios are distributed.
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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Re: [Note] Season Five Finale Approaching!

Post by DivineST » Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:19 am

The setup thread has been posted.

As stated there, if you have any questions, please start a thread in your character's Out of Character subforum and tag me! I can give you more information than the general scenario, or we can discuss it as the situation develops further. Approaches can be general or specific, depending on your preferences. Please don't stress over specifics if you get stuck on them. So long as you have an overall goal or priorities, I can work out the rest if you aren't sure.

I would like to have stuff from everyone by 31 March 2021 - sooner is best, but there's no harm in thinking about what you'd want to do or how to approach the situation you're in.

General play can continue as normal - these events will be occurring on the date I post the narrations in April [or 1 April if I somehow get everyone's stuff in and sorted early].
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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Re: [Note] Season Five Finale Approaching!

Post by DivineST » Sat Mar 27, 2021 10:42 pm

For the sake of providing an update:

I have needed information from most people! Huzzah!

I have been working on these narrations, or rather on the ones I have actions / notes from all involved regarding. I might not post them in the intended order - some will be done before others because they have fewer moving parts, and getting them up as I finish them will let me keep my own momentum going; but they will all be occurring within the same day or two-day period, and so that should be kept in mind when broaching fallout and follow-up scenes.
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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Re: [Note] Season Five Finale Approaching!

Post by DivineST » Tue Mar 30, 2021 9:39 pm

I have finished one narration in full; I am finishing two others tonight - these three will be posted before I go to bed.

However, Narration Group One, yours might not be finished and posted until either tomorrow or 1 April, depending on how creative flow for turning dice rolls into narrative descriptions holds out.

I will add a post to the Setup thread that has a summary of any damage to keep in mind [ Edit: PMed this instead ], ending locations, and how these narrations are arranged in the timeline of the day they occur - all to be clear for the sake of fallout or follow-up threads - once all of the narrations have been posted.
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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Re: [Note] Season Five Finale Approaching!

Post by DivineST » Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:32 pm

Finales have been finished and posted!

The last one ripples out some notable effects; but Season Six is now underway.

Thanks for your patience, guys.
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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