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[Request] Background Notes About People

Post by DivineST » Wed May 12, 2021 2:46 pm

If you have any of the following:
  • Backgrounds: Allies, Familiar, Mentor, Past Lives
    Adversarials: Enemy, Gremlin, Throwback
    Merits: Prestigious Mentor, Family Support, Powerful Ally
    Flaws: Diabolical / Infamous Mentor, Old Flame, Family Issues, Rivalry, Powerful Enemy
And you do not have a Character Note thread about this / these individual(s), please start such a thread - preferably titled '[(Background Name)] (Individual's Name)'. In this thread, please let me know the following things about this / these individual(s):
  • What your character knows about them.
  • What interactions your character has had with them in the past [ knowingly or not ]. Please include interaction dynamic [ passive-aggressive hostility, friendly, amorous, 10/10 Would Murder in Their Sleep and The Feeling is Mutual, etc ]
  • What ideas you the player have about them [ if any ].
  • Any goals you the player have for this dynamic [ killing an enemy; surpassing a Mentor; turning a Rival into a friend; etc ]
Please keep in mind the text of the associated trait itself. This is to help ensure we are on the same page about individuals on your character's sheet [ and therefore a part of their story ] and to help me firm up the individuals for utilizing them in their positive or negative dynamic.

If you gained any of the above in play, don't worry about this, I already have it in my notes.

If you already have a note for any of the above, please review it to make sure any relevant changes in regard to newer circumstances are made - if you need or want to discuss something, let me know!

If you do not have any of the above, please disregard this request.

Thanks, all.
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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