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[Request] Background Notes About People

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 2:46 pm
by DivineST
If you have any of the following:
  • Backgrounds: Allies, Familiar, Mentor, Past Lives
    Adversarials: Enemy, Gremlin, Throwback
    Merits: Prestigious Mentor, Family Support, Powerful Ally
    Flaws: Diabolical / Infamous Mentor, Old Flame, Family Issues, Rivalry, Powerful Enemy
And you do not have a Character Note thread about this / these individual(s), please start such a thread - preferably titled '[(Background Name)] (Individual's Name)'. In this thread, please let me know the following things about this / these individual(s):
  • What your character knows about them.
  • What interactions your character has had with them in the past [ knowingly or not ]. Please include interaction dynamic [ passive-aggressive hostility, friendly, amorous, 10/10 Would Murder in Their Sleep and The Feeling is Mutual, etc ]
  • What ideas you the player have about them [ if any ].
  • Any goals you the player have for this dynamic [ killing an enemy; surpassing a Mentor; turning a Rival into a friend; etc ]
Please keep in mind the text of the associated trait itself. This is to help ensure we are on the same page about individuals on your character's sheet [ and therefore a part of their story ] and to help me firm up the individuals for utilizing them in their positive or negative dynamic.

If you gained any of the above in play, don't worry about this, I already have it in my notes.

If you already have a note for any of the above, please review it to make sure any relevant changes in regard to newer circumstances are made - if you need or want to discuss something, let me know!

If you do not have any of the above, please disregard this request.

Thanks, all.