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[Request] Season Six Finale Preparations

Post by DivineST » Mon Jan 29, 2024 6:51 pm

To all:

I am beginning preparations for a Season Six finale.

However, in order to ensure 'old' things are cleared with the season change, and things that need to advance are advanced - and for help with determining groups for finale scenarios and narrations - I would greatly appreciate it if each of you could start a thread in your personal OoC forums, tagging me, about what stories you have been involved in for this arc, and whether they were resolved or you have lingering questions about them.

This will help me pick up things I might have forgotten to tag back on; and provide a clearer setup for scenarios for winding down Season Six and rolling into Season Seven with newer threads and information.

If something you were a part of has resolved and you simply were not in a position to be made aware of that, I can point you in the right character direction to find out about said resolution. Otherwise, either I can give a rundown for closure - if the lack of resolution was on my end - or can incorporate elements of a resolution into a finale scenario so that old loose ends are tied before the newer arcs unfold or advance into the new season.

Consider it a bit like a Spring Cleaning - you can let me know things you'd like to see resolved in Season Six, or things you'd prefer to continue in Season Seven, especially for personal things that do not have a set timeline to them. This can help unburden your character if they have too much going on or you've lost interest in a particular element of their personal story; or to recenter the focus of said character if you have something you would like to see put in the front and center of their upcoming Season Seven arc.

All this and more can and should be included in your personal OoC thread about Season Six Finale Prep. Please tag me in those threads using [user]DivineST[/user] in the first post of that thread.

I will gauge a firmer timeline for setting up scenarios and circumstances for the Season Six finale once I have a better idea as to who is where and what priorities there should be; but for now I project end of February, beginning of March for establishing scenarios and collecting actions for narrations.

Thank you,
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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Re: [Request] Season Six Finale Preparations

Post by DivineST » Wed Feb 21, 2024 4:59 pm

To update all:

I will begin setting up scenarios this weekend / early next week.

Please ensure that I am aware of anything you hope to have resolved; or any standing questions you have about anything in Season Six, so that I may address it in your OoC thread or in the finale, or so that we can agree to continue it into Season Seven.

I appreciate your patience.
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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Re: [Request] Season Six Finale Preparations

Post by DivineST » Sat Mar 02, 2024 4:06 pm

I had said I would start this last weekend or at the beginning of the week, but personal events have tested my will to live and so I haven't gotten to it yet. I will be aiming to have the setup in place for player actions by Wednesday.

For general awareness, there are three major events for this finale. Everyone can participate in one event. They are not necessarily occurring concurrently, but I prefer one event per person per finale to ensure everyone is involved in something and the same groups aren't getting all of the focus or story.

The three major events are as follows:
  1. Raid on a Technocratic facility
  2. Halsey House / Echo
  3. Infernal Confrontation
I will have a breakdown of what subplots or sideplots are tied up in the three major events during the setup breakdown, as I had for Season Five's finale. I will also break out groups of PCs to each, with context for their involvement, before taking character actions / goals.

Again, these breakdowns should be posted by Wednesday of this upcoming week with all of the information people will have going into them.

Thank you,
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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Re: [Request] Season Six Finale Preparations

Post by DivineST » Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:38 pm

Good afternoon, all!

This is a notification that we are entering the finale of Season Six and are laying the groundwork for the 'metaplot' of the upcoming Season Seven.

As a result, I have a few requests and notes:
  • ► Request One: Please be sure your character profile and signature are up-to-date. If you need help or would like me to summarize your character's Season Six so far, please ask!

    ► Request Two: Please double-check your downtimes. While this mostly applies to Growth Goals [ to ensure they reflect the current trajectory for the character ], it is also good to review your general / sustained downtimes, and to note which downtimes are still ongoing or have concluded.


    ► Note One: Plot introduction has slowed. This is to keep me from oversaturating the game's storyline and to ensure a cleaner transition from Season Six into Season Seven. New side- and subplots will be introduced once the transition of Seasons has been done - so if you have general downtimes for fishing, that is when those will be properly updated.

    ► Note Two: Just a reminder that wholly personal plots are usually unaffected by Season changes - so there is no need to rush on those. Wholly personal plots progress and conclude at your character's pace, independent from the pacing of the Season's 'metaplot' or other side- or subplots.

Wait, Season Finale?

For those of you who have not experienced a Season finale yet, here is a primer on what happens:
  1. All characters are divided into groups - determined by what aspect of the finale they are involved in, or as an intentional setup in a reasonable scenario. This is so every character has at least a mention in the finale, and to set their Season anchor for the beginning of the next Season.
  2. Each group is given a summary of their finale scenario - what they know of what they are doing or of what they are involved in at that moment.
  3. Each group then conveys their goal for that scenario. This does not have to be a step-by-step, but should at least encompass what they hope to accomplish in the scenario of which they are a part. Individual characters may provide a separate, individual goal or list of priorities, too!
  4. Then I write a gamewide narration based off of the above, for all of the given scenarios. This narration takes into account stated group / character priorities and goals; capabilities of those involved; and some rolls. This narration concludes the ending Season's metaplot, and sets up the following Season's metaplot.
  5. Characters are then able to start threads for the immediate fallout of the narration.
If any of this is confusing, please let me know and I can clarify, using past Seasons as examples.

There are a few things I need to touch base with specific people regarding resolution of some sub- or personal plots, but they will not be included in the finale scenarios, so there is still time - this is just a heads up that over the next week or two I will be tagging some things to determine a resolution or if it is continuing into Season Seven. However, I wanted to give a heads up so that questions can receive answers and so that people can determine what things they have ongoing that they might want to resolve before Season Six concludes, or what they do or do not want to carry with them into the new Season so that these things can be addressed and discussed before the finale.

As ever, if you have any questions at all, please either PM me or post a question in your Out of Character subforum and tag me with [user]DivineST[/user] so we can talk it out.

"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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Re: [Request] Season Six Finale Preparations

Post by DivineST » Fri Mar 08, 2024 2:53 pm

Update: All scenarios have been posted. I can address specific questions in people's specific threads, as there is information that will unfold over the course of resolving a given scenario, depending on one's approach.

Please try to get me any actions or questions via your OoC thread regarding your character's scenario and their approach to it, priorities, and methods. I will aim to get narrations completed as I obtain actions from everyone involved in a given scenario - my primary target for finishing narrations and thus ending Season Six and transitioning into Season Seven will be Sunday, 31 March 2024, and so if I could have everyone's information prior to 24 March 2024 , that would be great and would give me time to sort rolls and organize results into a cohesive narration of the events as a whole.

Thank you.
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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Re: [Request] Season Six Finale Preparations

Post by DivineST » Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:54 pm

Casual reminder that all player actions are requested for Sunday, 24 March 2024 for the Season Six Finale.

Thank you.
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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Re: [Request] Season Six Finale Preparations

Post by DivineST » Sun Mar 24, 2024 3:42 pm

Last day for these! I will be spending the coming week arranging actions and priorities, rolling dice, and writing things out.
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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Re: [Request] Season Six Finale Preparations

Post by DivineST » Tue Apr 09, 2024 3:16 am

Obviously, I have not hit my primary target date for narrations - I've had brain-mush from a series of formal papers. However, these narrations are in-progress - actions have been outlined and arranged, and most of my determination rolls have been made for Narration 1.

Please know that nothing is 'on pause' while I work on these - you may continue to play socially and to investigate personal plot matters and other matters that have not been indicated in the narration premises or end-of-season discussions with you. With our timeline relying on relative time, all scenes started prior to the narrations being posted will take place before their respective action dates and can be referenced as such - no references should be made to narration scenarios or events; but non-finale-related things can still occur and will be unhindered by the season finale, nor will they hinder the finale themselves.

If you have any questions, please PM me or ask in your OoC forum.

"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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Re: [Request] Season Six Finale Preparations

Post by DivineST » Mon Jan 06, 2025 6:31 pm

With life circumstances and all over the past several months, I have not done near as much as I had hoped. However, with some of the more pressing matters being addressed in my RL life in a way that offers some forward momentum and a chance at resolution, I am going to be focusing on getting these finished. I have 3-4 pages of each of them; but those are not enough for a satisfactory narration and haven't reached conclusions; so I will be revisiting the drafts that I have and paring them down while working on pushing each of them to a close.

Please note that nothing else is on hold during this time; and due to necessity, the timelines for these occurring will be adjusted once I know when they will be finished. Social roleplay and smaller plots not connected to those listed in the setup thread are able to be had and/or pushed as desired.

I will be addressing downtime things, as well, with some questions to catch them up to present.

I appreciate y'all's patience while I handle my stuff and me.

- DivineST
"And what is the potential man, after all? Is he not the sum of all that is human? Divine, in other words?" - Henry Miller

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